Post Activities
Sponsor High School Students in The American Legion Oratorical Contest.
Recognize our Community’s First Responders each year with the Jack Williams Award for First Responders.
Provide help to veterans needing assistance. The Legion is here to provide support to any veteran and their families.
This year the Post will be working with local schools to foster a spirit of Americanism with educational literature and speakers regarding the Constitution of the United States, The Declaration of Independence, and Flag Protocols and Etiquette.
Support local charities that provide aid and assistance to children.
Through the lobbying power of The American Legion, promote legislation in support of veterans benefits and a strong national defense.
The post has started Trivia Nights as a fund-raising activity. Trivia nights every Thursday, at the Two Ravens Irish Pub inside the Seville Hotel.
American Legion Market Place in the Commerce Mall on the Square.